Your Monthly Tarotscope: November

Your Monthly Tarotscope: November

Your monthly Tarot Horoscope! Are you curious to see what your November tarotscope ahead has in store for you? Check your zodiac star sign (and your rising if it calls to you!) for your monthly tarotscope and see what November will bring you!

the chariot tarot cardARIES: The Chariot
The time has come for you to take the reigns this month Aries! The Chariot is asking you to take stock and see where you can take control, keep your eyes on the prize.
Knight Of Cups tarot card reversedTAURUS: Knight Of Cups Rx
You may be getting caught up in your feels too much Taurus. The Knight Of Cups Reversed is your reminder that sometimes your emotions may become problematic if you don't regularly check yourself. Think with your head and not your heart.
3 of pentacles tarot card reversedGEMINI: 3 Of Pentacles Rx
This month your being asked to share the load Gemini. The 3 of Pentacles Reversed is asking you to step back and see where you could delegate some of the work. It's okay to ask for help. 
5 of pentacles tarot cardCANCER: 5 Of Pentacles
Time to shift this lack mindset Cancer! This month the 5 of Pentacles is asking you to see where there is abundance in your life. Remember, money is energy and energy is currency - spend it wisely!
king of cups tarot cardLEO: King Of Cups
We're large and in charge (of our emotions!) this month Leo! The King Of Cups is asking you to stay in this energy and share it amongst those you love. Where can you spread your compassion?
judgement tarot cardVIRGO: Judgement
You're on the cusp of something big Virgo. Before you can take the next step, the Judgement card is asking you to evaluate your self and your choices. What needs to stay and what needs to go before you answer your calling?
the emperor tarot cardLIBRA: The Emperor
The time to take inspired action is now Libra! The Emperor is asking you to use your wisdom to start structuring the life you want. Sitting on the fence won't get you anywhere.
3 of cups tarot card reversedSCORPIO: 3 Of Cups Rx
Is someone feeling a little distracted this month Scorpio? The 3 Of Cups Reversed is asking you to reign in the celebrations (just a little bit) so you have room for growth. Find a different way to connect.
3 of swords tarot card reversedSAGITTARIUS: 3 Of Swords Rx
You're in your healing era this month Sagittarius. The 3 of Swords Reversed is letting you know that hearts are made to be healed. Turn your focus inward and know that you're leaving the hurt behind.
6 of pentacles tarot card reversedCAPRICORN: 6 Of Pentacles Rx
Are you being a tight-ass Capricorn? The 6 of Pentacles Reversed is asking you to stop holding back and start sharing the wealth! It's not always about the money but sharing your time, energy, and knowledge too!
4 of wands tarot card reversedAQUARIUS: 4 Of Wands Rx
Things might be feeling a little unstable for you this month Aquarius. The 4 of Wands Reversed is warning you of some fall out with those closest to you. Make sure you're grounding and communicating your thoughts and feelings clearly!
queen of swords tarot card reversedPISCES: Queen Of Swords Rx
The ice queen is BACK this month Pisces. The Queen Of Swords Reversed is asking you to try not to let your thoughts rule you. Words can cut like a knife.
Whatever this month holds for you, remember to embrace the seasonal changes that come with November and focus on what's good for you!

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