TAURUS: 3 of Wands
We're moving on up this month, Taurus. The 3 of Wands brings with it expansion, get ready to open your mind and see what's waiting for you around the corner. Big things are coming.
GEMINI: King of Wands
Time to take charge, Gemini. You're being asked by the King of Wands to see where you can take the reigns and lead the way with creativity and optimism. Don't be scared to be bold.
CANCER: Ace of Swords Rx
Be cautious of a foggy mind this month, Cancer. The Ace of Swords Reversed is warning you that the brain is known for playing tricks on you. Take a minute to breathe and make sure sure you're ruling your thoughts and they're not ruling you.
LEO: The Star Rx
All hope is not lost, Leo. If you're feeling a little lack-lustre this month The Star Reversed is reminding you to take a beat and see where your cup needs filling. Make some well-needed time for you and yours.
VIRGO: 6 of Wands
Get ready to celebrate this month, Virgo! The 6 of Wands is here to tell you that all of your hard work is paying off and success is around the corner. Let yourself feel victorious, you deserve it.
LIBRA: 6 of Pentacles
Sharing is caring, Libra. This month you're being reminded by the 6 of Pentacles to extend your knowledge, resources, and time to those who need it. Whatever you give out, know you'll get it back in surplus.
SCORPIO: Knight of Swords
We're coming in with laser focus this month, Scorpio. The Knight of Swords brings with it motivation and ambition, but be careful not to get too caught up in the momentum! Patience is a virtue.
We may be feel a little down this month, Sagittarius. The Sun Reversed is warning of a little dip, but sometimes it's essential to go through life's lows in order to feel the highs. What goes up must come down.
CAPRICORN: 7 of Swords Rx
Time to turn the page this month, Capricorn. The of Swords Reversed is reminding you that the short term wins from cutting corners won't last forever. Turn over a new leaf and makes moves from an authentic place.
AQUARIUS: Page of Swords Rx
You may feel a little scatterbrained this season Aquarius. The Page of Swords Reversed is warning you that with your ruling planet in charge this month your mind might be busy with ideas, but take some time to see which ones are worth pursuing. Discernment will be your best friend.
PISCES: The Devil
We're breaking toxic cycles this month, Pisces. You're being asked by The Devil to see where your stuck in a habit that no longer serves you. What chains can be broken for your greatest good?