Your Monthly Tarotscope: December

Your Monthly Tarotscope: December

Your monthly Tarot Horoscope! Are you curious to see what your December tarotscope has in store for you? Check your zodiac star sign (and your rising if it calls to you!) for your monthly tarotscope and see what December will bring you!


Three of swords tarot cardARIES: 3 of Swords Rx
Time for a heart activation this month, Aries! The 3 of Swords Reversed is here to signal that you're ready to heal and move on. Whatever has been weighing heavy on your heart, is ready to be released.
5 of pentacles tarot cardTAURUS: 5 of Pentacles Rx
 It's not all doom and gloom this month Taurus! You've been too caught up comparing what you don't have to others to notice what you do have! You're being reminded by the 5 of Pentacles Reversed to start being grateful and stay in your own lane.
four of swords tarot cardGEMINI: 4 of Swords
Take your foot off the gas Gemini! November was all systems go but you're being asked by the 4 of Swords to slow it down this month. Slow and steady wins the race.
8 of wands tarot cardCANCER: 8 of Wands
Are you ready Cancer? Gear up because the 8 of Wands is signalling massive moves and change! Things are going to come in hard and fast so get your running shoes on.
4 of pentacles tarot cardLEO: 4 of Pentacles
Time to veer on the side of caution this month, Leo. The 4 of Pentacles is asking you to protect your resources, and we're not just talking about money. Energy is a currency, spend it wisely.
8 of swords tarot cardVIRGO: 8 of Swords
Get out of your head this month, Virgo! November has been full of progress and steps forward, the 8 of Swords is advising you that now is not the time to let your inner critic get the best of you. Get out of your own way.
10 of wands tarot cardLIBRA: 10 of Wands Rx
You're done shouldering everyone else's burdens! This month, Libra, the 10 of Wands Reversed is confirming for you that it's not your job to solve everyone else's problems. The weight of the world is not on your shoulders.
6 of cups tarot cardSCORPIO: 6 of Cups
Time to reflect on the memories that have resurfaced from last month, Scorpio. The 6 of Cups is asking you to stroll down memory lane and see what need's revisiting and what needs releasing. Discernment will be your best friend.
2 of cups tarot cardSAGITTARIUS: 2 of Cups Rx
Think before you speak this month Sagittarius. You're being warned by the 2 of Cups Reversed that miscommunications are bound to arise, take a step back and ensure you're receiving the messages loud and clear.
king of swords tarot cardCAPRICORN: King of Swords Rx
You've always had a sharp mind, Capricorn, but this month the King of Swords Reversed is serving as your warning not to let that sharp thinking turn into manipulation. Not every move needs to be calculated. 
page of cups tarot cardAQUARIUS: Page of Cups
Get excited, Aquarius! The Page of Cups is bringing you connection and surprise this month. If you've been calling in romance or creativity it's making your way to you, but in the most unconventional ways!
10 of swords tarot cardPISCES: 10 of Swords Rx
Hope, healing, and health are the key themes this month Pisces. The 10 of Swords Reversed signals the end of a difficult chapter. It's time to turn the page.
Whatever this month holds for you, remember to set your intentions for the energy you want to bring in to the new year!
If you want your own personal tarot reading, book it here!
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