TAURUS: 4 of Cups
Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude is what's needed of you this month, Taurus! The 4 of Cups is asking you to to really look at everything that you have accomplished and all that's on the way to you. Things REALLY aren't as bad as they seem.
GEMINI: Knight Of Cups Rx
Don't let your heart cloud your judgement, Gemini. You're being reminded by the Knight of Cups Reversed to take off those rose tinted goggles and see things for what they are. Your heart and your head can work together.
CANCER: 9 of Pentacles Rx
Don't give all your energy away, Cancer! Even though your known as the nurturer, the 9 of Pentacles Reversed is asking you to tend to your own garden before any one else's. You don't want the only thing that grows this month to be resentment.
LEO: The World Rx
Time to tie up all of those loose ends, Leo. You got very close to closing this chapter but something is left unsaid or unfinished, The World Reversed is asking you to see where you can close those doors. Out with old and in with the new.
VIRGO: Page of Wands Rx
Get out of your head and into your body, Virgo. This is your reminder from the Page of Wands Reversed that all that thinking stops you from doing. Direct that energy into something worthwhile.
LIBRA: Justice Rx
Make sure we're balancing those scales, Libra! Justice Reversed is asking you to see where we are unbalanced and fix it before the year goes on. There is no work without reward, but all work and no play can make for a very dull month.
SCORPIO: Queen of Pentacles Rx
You don't need to over-do it Scorpio. Your being asked by the Queen of Pentacles Reversed to take a step back and see where you can hand things back to others. There's a reason why it's an energy exchange.
SAGITTARIUS: Ace of Swords Rx
You've had your 'eureka' moment but now what, Sagittarius? The Ace of Swords Reversed is warning of mental chaos if you don't slow down and make a plan. Tune into that laser-beam focus.
CAPRICORN: 8 of Cups Rx
Walking away can certainly be scary, Capricorn, but you're being guided by the 8 of Cups Reversed to leave all that no longer serves you in 2023. Time to let go and start fresh.
AQUARIUS: King of Cups
We are feeling in tune and smooth sailing this month, Aquarius! You're being told by the King of Cups to tap into that inner wisdom and compassion and spread that energy far and wide! We love someone who not only masters their own feelings, but helps others master theirs too.
PISCES: Knight of Pentacles Rx
Don't get distracted by the material Pisces! Indulgence and luxury can be dreamy and sensual but you're being warned by the Knight of Pentacles Reversed that is can soon turn into greed and vanity. What higher calling have you been ignoring?